The Vibe Remedy with Ginger & Carman

The Vibe Remedy with Ginger & Carman
The Vibe Remedy with Ginger & Carman

Mar 02 2023 | 00:35:20

Episode 7 March 02, 2023 00:35:20

Show Notes

Ginger and Carman are a Social Media Sensation with reaching over 800K followers on TikTok. These inspiring women talk with me about how they started and why as women 50+ it's our time - if we allow ourselves to have fun, love all of us and dance!

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 I'm Skylar Vers for a k m Mrs. V, and I'm founder of Ageri, which is a lifestyle brand designed to support and enrich the 50 plus woman. And this podcast is all about uncovering the remedies that we masterfully create to our life. I love to explore the magic we all have inside us, and this podcast is about sharing those remedies with you. Hello and welcome to Aish podcast, and I'm super excited because I have these Speaker 1 00:00:26 Gorgeous girls with me. Hello. Welcome, ginger and Carmen. Speaker 2 00:00:30 Hello. Hello, scar. How are you? Speaker 1 00:00:33 I'm great. I just energetically just feel happy both looking at you. So thank you for being here. We're Speaker 2 00:00:39 Very today bit French actually with that French. Should we? No, French. French Speaker 1 00:00:48 <laugh>. You're both looking very French. And I'm in my, uh, on my, uh, uniform. I call it the, um, the black top where I just don't have to think about what I'm putting on. And, but then I was thinking about you this morning actually. I thought, now you are a great inspiration for me to actually start dressing and expressing myself through my fashion, uh, which I haven't done. So I wanna hear all about you both. So where would you like to start? Speaker 2 00:01:16 We can start anywhere. It's Monday, so let's just start somewhere randomly, somewhere in the middle or, and, and do you know what we, we wear black all the time. Well, maybe not all the time, but you know, we do wear black. We've made an effort today. Put color on. Speaker 1 00:01:33 Well, I love the color. You're looking gorgeous. And I love those glasses. Speaker 2 00:01:38 We've got our, um, vintage, our vintage fines on. Yeah, we, and we just happened to rock up in these, we've both got satin jackets on and that's amazing accident. Yeah, we don't collaborate. We totally sync. That's what happens here, where often, Speaker 1 00:02:02 If you would, of course, of course <laugh>, you're in sync by what you do. So it's amazing. Yeah. So tell me, tell me, um, I mean I wanted to start, I I guess, you know, just about your story and how you started really kind of getting in front of the camera and expressing who you are. What was the spark for that? Speaker 2 00:02:23 Oh, just, you know, a bit of freedom all of a sudden, really. When your kids grow up and you are an empty nester. True, true. I think that's the basis of it, isn't it? And then you got more time to collude. Yeah, we were, we were on a holiday, um, in Paris, so that that helped, you know, it helped, it helped that we were, we're in this great place. Um, and we were just, uh, we're just snuck around. Weren't, weren't we, we, we just started documenting whatever we did. And, and the best thing about our relationship is that we both like, we're, we're both okay with getting lost. And I think when you travel, you need to find the right travel partner. Um, and we didn't know that. Of course. No, we didn't know that about cause Well, we just didn't. But, but getting lost is a fabulous thing and, and getting it, not getting stressed about getting lost and not having an agenda. Yeah. Is is what not everyone can do that. Of course. Not everyone. Speaker 1 00:03:24 No. I mean, when you said that then about getting lost with someone, the right person. That was just so beautiful. That's a book in itself actually, because it's true. Like, it's like where someone that's not gonna get stressed and actually go on the adventure with you and travel through, that's amazing. Speaker 2 00:03:42 And I think we, um, we, we both love music, so, you know, we kinda wake up in this apartment in the morning and, you know, make lots of coffee, put music on and just dance. That was our, you know, our exercise apart from running around Paris and, you know, going on the trains, but, um, cross on some dancing, cuss on some dancing, they sort of, yeah, one sort of cancels the other out and <laugh> and then, and then I sort of said, and then has been Paris fair bit and I hadn't been and oh, come, we, we better go and see some things. And I said, I can't do cues. I can't, I just can't stand in those lines. I, I think it was on day 10, cause we did two weeks in Paris on day 10. I said, come on wedging. But we did stand in the queue that day, didn't we? I think we stood in the queue then spoke to everyone, push a little bit, but pushing Speaker 1 00:04:45 <laugh>. It's funny, when you're from Europe, I remember traveling through, um, Paris with a group of boys. I was young and I went, oh look, the town, they went, yeah, yeah, let's not go there. And they just wouldn't stop <laugh>. Then I was just like, next time I'll go back and, you know, I did. Yeah. But it's, it's funny, those, I mean, the traveling thing's amazing that it was an opportunity for you to step into that space. Do you think that it started beforehand? Like, I mean in terms of obviously, you know, as talking about age rich and aging and, and having the freedom and, you know, of course my whole brand is around, we get rich as we get older. Do you think, you know, was there a freedom that happened as you got older or were you always like this or a bit of both? Or Speaker 2 00:05:29 Prob probably iterations of, um, of who we are. We didn't sort of flee just suddenly become who we are, obviously, but, but the partner in crime does really help. Mm. And and having more free time at this age really helps because you can, you've got time to daydream, you've got time to get lost, you've got time to try new things. Uh, there's time suddenly on your hands. And it's, that's what's enriching you, you get to try out new things and therefore become richer with each experience. And that's, there's always a choice. There's, there's always a, a, a millisecond of choice in anything we do. And we either, we either take the one that requires a little bit of courage or we go to the safety. And that's, to me, that's the difference when you get to a point in your life and you're going towards the pointy end of the stick and you think, well, I can either stay in this safe lane for the rest of my life and choose safety or fear, or I can choose courage and freedom and experience. So I Speaker 1 00:06:48 Love that. I love that. And Speaker 2 00:06:49 That's where we work. Yeah. Cause it's Speaker 1 00:06:53 Interesting you saying around, you know, those, that prong of the choice, and I think it takes as we get older to know that there is a choice. And in fact, that's right. Which one are you taking? And it's interesting because there's a confidence that comes when you get older because you're like, look, I don't really care what people think, but there is a fear that sets in too. It's like, how do you navigate Speaker 2 00:07:16 Judgment, those Speaker 1 00:07:17 Two judgment, right? Yeah. Speaker 2 00:07:19 I misjudgment. And that, that's also, there can be that, that can also be part of ageism, but I also think a lot of that can be, um, magnified in our own heads. Mm. Not, not that I'm not saying it doesn't exist, but if you buy into it, once again, that's choosing courage. If you buy into it, then you, you buy in and you, you feel it and you go down that safety path. But, but, but also it's about, it's about having time to, to deep all that, isn't it? It's about unlearning, deep patterning, all those little patterns that you've created along the way. Absolutely. I mean, we have to find new pathways and whatever pathway that is for you, you, you are the only one that knows how, which one that is, that you have to challenge and, and then relearn or unlearn and unravel some stuff. And, and it can be, as you say, you need courage, but sometimes it's just slightly uncomfortable and sometimes you need a lot of courage. So it depends on which path you decide to take and how you want to approach anything really, isn't it? Yeah. We, we, the other day we were like, likening this experience to wearing a g for the first time, Speaker 2 00:08:49 Uncomfortableness through, and then you go, wow, I've got this hole. You but it, but it doesn't mean you had to to leave your Bridget Jones' pants either. You know, like well, that's right. It's okay to keep wearing those if you feel safe in those. Exactly. Saying anyone and referring to. But I think the other component is if, if you had children, which we both have, um, and they've grown up and they're, they're great and they're off living their own lives, which is lovely. Um, there's also a shedding of responsibility, which, um, as you shared some of those responsibilities in life once again, you know, you get to those, those moments, those forks in the road. You know, do I, do I wanna expand myself now? Do I wanna find, you know, sort of reignite who I actually am and start expanding into that? Or do I wanna just go, oh no. Oh, no, no, no, I can't. No, no. Speaker 1 00:09:55 I love that you, you're doing that whole feeling like, I mean, the way that I've kind of expressed with ageism for me, and I love that you said this, is that it doesn't really exist really. It's just, I think reflections of what's happening in your life. Yeah. Like if, if you lose your job, then it's not about that, oh, they're doing being ages. It's actually like, well maybe it's time to lead the 20 year old job. Maybe it's time to go and take a different journey. I love that you said that. I've never, I've never heard, um, it talked about how you are, which is like the feeling, like the expansion, the, the safety versus this. It's really interesting. I mean, and and what would you, I mean, you've obviously been able to support each other, which is so beautiful. I mean, where will we be without our girlfriends? Speaker 1 00:10:40 You know, it's just like, it's amazing because you've got that kind of, um, I think the hardest thing for people is hearing that voice going on and you're alone. And, and that chatter, that mindful, but having that support from each other, what, what do you think's been the biggest adjustment in terms of the journey that you've done? I mean, there's some beautiful parts of course, but there has, has there been anything where you've gone, oh, I didn't know that. Oh, okay. I've had to jump over it, but I'm okay. Is there anything that's been tricky? Speaker 2 00:11:12 Well, well the most obvious thing has been, uh, technology. That, that's, um, but you, the table, you're probably asking on a deeper level. And I Speaker 1 00:11:24 Think I love that level Speaker 2 00:11:26 Is, is the, the judgment. You know, it's not easy to stand in the middle of the street with a tripod and, you know, um, it's not easy to, uh, sometimes wear clothes that other people don't wear. Um, because you know, everyone's looking at you and you're not actually wearing those clothes for everyone to look at you. You are wearing those clothes cuz it makes you feel good. You feel good in the choices that you've made about clothes. And so people can be a little bit judgmental about that. But, you know, that's part of the journey too. You just have to learn to, to block those kind of voices. And maybe those voices aren't even happening. It's just an imagination, you know, we've always had good feedback, haven't we? Pretty much. Yeah. Which is, which is great. And I think it's also just the way you, you know, you put it out there. I hear Speaker 1 00:12:24 I can Yeah. You don't, there's not a, um, I don't feel any uh, uh, um, sub uh, what do you call it? Uh, you're not self-conscious at all. And I think that's really hard for people at any age. I mean, to actually step out there and go, you know, Speaker 2 00:12:39 I remember being a teenager. It's a nightmare. Nightmare. Speaker 1 00:12:47 Thank God. So tell me, what, what would you say if you had to tell your older self, you know, in 20 years time, what would you say to her? What would you say to her Speaker 2 00:12:58 Now? Well, you mean 20 years forward? Mm, forward. That's interesting. That's a good one. Oh gee. I, I, well I would just say to myself, gee, I'm really glad the times you chose courage over fear. Yeah, that's right. Keep doing it. Yeah. That's, that's life. That's what we're here for, you know, Speaker 1 00:13:19 And Speaker 2 00:13:21 Beige, we wanna be bright blue and bright, bright red Speaker 1 00:13:25 <laugh>. I know. And I love that you've done it. Cause I find it, I mean, personally I find it really hard because I'm not a size eight and I think I've cha I've been challenged the whole time to actually step my body versus from here down. And I'm like, okay, 23, I'm gonna get in front of the camera fully. But it's really challenging cuz of the fear of being judged and people are, you know, around it. I mean, you, do you ever have women come up and you've helped them or coached them through getting out there? Or Speaker 2 00:13:54 Confidence? Well, we've had some amazing response. Gorgeous. We've we've had great responses, haven't we? From young Yes. People. Yes. And our people. Um, we've had a couple of too though, Speaker 2 00:14:11 Send them love. Yes. But young people have been amazing. Yeah. They're, um, they're very supportive and I think they look, look to us sometimes to say, Hey, it's not gonna be so bad in, you know, 30 years or, or 40 years. So in, in TikTok especially, we've had that response. Yeah. And I think it helps that we're a duo because they, they can relate to the fact that we're just, we're just a couple of girlfriends having fun, having like, they're, and the fun doesn't stop. Yeah. We're older and we've, yeah, we've, we've done, we've done our families and that's extremely important. That's, you know, know the most, the thing that, you know, makes my heart tick every day. Mm-hmm. <affirmative>. Um, so I, I think, um, that, that you can, you can still be doing the fun stuff, um, even when you're older. You don't, you don't have to, you don't have to get old and crabby Speaker 1 00:15:09 To do. That's right. Because I think, I mean, from my learning, I think there is the tendency for a lot of people for to the mind to close down and in. And I think the very word expansion was so beautiful because that's what we have to keep doing. Speaker 2 00:15:25 And, and why, why is this notion of fun and play only reserved for children? You know what, why can't we just expand ourselves by having fun and just doing something random, something different, a little jump in the street or a, uh, so many ways Yeah. To, to have fun and doesn't have to always include alcohol or parties or, or Yeah. You know, I think is not reserved for little kids. I think in, uh, in Australia in particular, our model has been, um, um, I'm just trying to think of the back in the day when, what did we call it? The, when we, when we like, like lots Speaker 1 00:16:12 Of time Speaker 2 00:16:13 And not zoned living, but when, when everyone left the suburbs, when there used to be like the aunt and you know, the families who kind grew up in the, and aunt was down the road and the cousins were over there and we kind of got together and then we had this sort of satellite living. That's what it was, model. And we, we became kind of more fragmented. And I think once you lose that sort of connection with family, you know, the, the older generations, the generations all kind of being in each other's all but not living in each other's pockets, but, but really understanding and knowing each other to a degree. Um, then, then society becomes very segmented and we stop. We, you know, like for example, um, uh, you still, you know, at our age being open to new music, uh, with the younger generation that's, and similarly it's really, it's important for them to also be open to maybe some of the stories Speaker 1 00:17:16 With, see, it's, it's interesting because I always feel, I feel when you look at ageism globally and you look at Austral and there's the tall poppy, I always think, where does that fit in? And I, and I can see what's lacking for a lot of Australians in terms of ageism is the fact that we don't have that understanding of culture and the history and the family. Yeah. And so like if you look at Europe and you can see that there's just so much bigger than something bigger than themselves. So, and they can, can see kind of like, this is the time you do this and this is kind of like, there's a respect there. Whatever you're doing and there's a lot of Speaker 2 00:17:56 Traditions and the rights of passage Passage, it's the right passage. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:18:00 The Rite passage. Speaker 2 00:18:01 I love that's so important. It's so, you know, you look at you at indigenous culture, for example, and, and other cultures in South America, you know, there are, there are sort of, um, markers in your lifetime where you have a rite of passage and that is a celebration that everyone is involved in. So that is also a confidence giver when you think about that. It's like, oh, I've gone from being a child to an adult. Yes. It's like suddenly it's, it's giving, it's going Well we, that's how we're gonna treat you now. You are, we have this respect for you because you've now reached, uh, adult Speaker 1 00:18:43 And, and now you are, you know, as an elder, we respect you and this is your role to be with the young ones. And you get more playful and there's a whole respect and wanting to be together. But I feel that, I mean that's what I'm hoping comes back now with, you know, there's so much, uh, I think there's a lot of, um, you know, problems in mental health at the moment. And I think it's cause of that breakdown in society and the culture which is coming back with, uh, things like what you are doing is amazing. And, uh, so when, so when we talk about, um, I talk about remedies of life and I believe that we have a life that we live and we form these remedies, uh, that actually helps us as tools in our life. Is there any one particular one that you could, you know, in each of you share, um, what would be your remedy or learning? Speaker 2 00:19:34 Uh, I think the first thing that pops into my head is we must connect to nature. Speaker 1 00:19:40 Mm. Speaker 2 00:19:40 Beautiful. It's simple. And, you know, put our feet on the ground. That's, that's just, that's the human experience. It's, it's extremely important. Um, nature and health. Um, I mean, exercise and health. Huge. Huge. We can't expect to, to be remedied if we're unhealthy. Speaker 1 00:20:01 Yep. You Speaker 2 00:20:03 Know, and whether that is long walks of, long walks in nature, um, that, that's my thing. Stay healthy. Yeah. It can be simple too. That can start. Speaker 1 00:20:16 Was there any, uh, challenge that you had or overcame that you had a learning from that? Cause I always believe our challenges are the modern day rider of passage in our career, for example, or maybe life. Is there anything that was a learning that you wanted to share or, Speaker 2 00:20:30 Um, well for me, I separated from my partner about six or seven years ago. And, um, there was, you know, I, I wasn't young, so when I separated, so that was a really difficult, a very, very difficult time, but, um, a really fantastic time of learning as well. So, um, you know, you, you get nothing for nothing, Speaker 1 00:20:58 <laugh>, that's it. Speaker 2 00:21:01 You gotta put the shoulder to the wheel and take the gift that comes from that. And it's, it's like, well yes, sure I'm going through this, but there's, there's got to be a reason for it and what am I going to learn? And, and it really has taught me an awful lot. Speaker 1 00:21:19 Yeah. Beautiful. Yeah. I the same, I'm, I'm second marriage, but divorced later and, um, I kind of discovered myself. I fell in love with me actually after Yes. Well my first That's brilliant. And that, yeah. So, and that was the thing. And then I was at that frequency I could attract the right person. And I've now met my second husband 15 years ago. Yeah. And, uh, and I, I had decided that I prefer to be alone than be with the wrong man. I think when you make that decision, I don't need anyone. Speaker 2 00:21:48 Yes. They, and that's true. And I mean that, that's a very important thing that, that you just said there. Because when you have the, and that, that facing yourself at that time to that where you do fall in love with yourself, um, it is, is quite challenging. It's, it is very challenging, but really necessary to then be able to, uh, attract and have someone come into your orbit that is going to love you for exactly who you are and who you've fallen in love with. And, and that's it. Yeah. I, yes, I'm, I'm still still got the orbit thing happening. I Speaker 1 00:22:28 <laugh> it's, look, it's a wonderful time. I actually look like that was such a beautiful time. It was hell going through it. But afterwards I kind of went into this beautiful space. I did meet, I did meet a kind of like the much younger man and had a bit of a kind of mad thing happening, but then I was like, oh, okay. Fall in love with me again. And I had a, yeah, actually when I look back now, it was very, very challenging. But now it's, it was necessary for me to go through that. And so I'm grateful. Speaker 2 00:22:57 Yes. Yeah. That's fantastic. Well that's a really lovely story. Gorgeous house. Speaker 1 00:23:02 So, um, so tell me, um, tell me some funny stories. I mean, you two obviously, I know I'm so serious cuz I'm into the kind of the whole spiritual, and I know you two are so much, but I can feel it. Is there any, um, is there anything funny or anything that happened that you wanted to share or Speaker 2 00:23:19 <laugh> that we can actually speak about? Speaker 1 00:23:25 Oh, sorry. I just thought if there was something, something that you thought, cause you must have some interesting people kind of talk to you about different things. Speaker 2 00:23:36 Oh, I, I just think we just have fun. I think, I think we we're about staying open and as open as possible when we go out. And sometimes you're feeling it and sometimes you're not feeling it. So, you know, we go home, have a drink and come home. Um, but, but if you're staying open, um, you meet the most wonderful people you meet, you meet people that you ordinarily wouldn't because we are, well I say we could be quite full on, but we're not full on. We're just, I think we've just got an energy and I think it attracts people. And, and when that happens, you get this amazing kind of synergy going on with some, a complete and, and you learn so much about the world in those five minutes. And sometimes you, it doesn't happen. But isn't it a wonderful thing? Oh, you know, that you, but it's only cause of the energy that we kind of naturally put out. Um, Speaker 1 00:24:40 And it is cause I can Speaker 2 00:24:42 Sorry, sorry. Speaker 1 00:24:43 I can feel you both like, in terms of the, the, the incredible attraction is that you are so happy with who you are and it's not like you are perfect. It's that you, you've embraced all parts of yourself. Speaker 2 00:25:05 It ok, I need glasses, otherwise <laugh> like, um, where were we? Speaker 1 00:25:19 Well, I was just saying, I love your energy. I can feel the authenticness and you've embraced all parts of yourself. Speaker 2 00:25:25 And I I think if we, that's the thing that why we kind of grew well together is because we knew we were authentic and if we weren't feeling something, we just weren't doing it. We just, Paris, I think we walked out about 10 bars we walk in. Yeah. We'd sit down the French. Yes. Anyway, um, and we Speaker 1 00:25:54 I know them. Yes. Speaker 2 00:25:55 We don't feel any shame in, in that cause life is short. And if we're gonna have dinner somewhere, we wanna feel the vibe and Yeah. And we wanna connect with the space. That's true. It's always about the vibe. It's about the vibe. It's about the vibe. It's a pulse that runs through. We've, we've, we've, we've um, done so many things that are planned for so long and with so many deadlines and so, so we've forgotten what it's like to be unplanned and we've forgotten what it's like to just walk outta the house and go, yeah, okay, let's see where we go. What's happening? And it just gives an excitement, doesn't it? To um, Speaker 1 00:26:35 Oh it does. I'm excited. Speaker 2 00:26:43 But nothing much happens actually. But, but it's, it's more like we were in the, where were we in the Esby Eslan Hotel where ESP and we found a room, no one was in the room and it's a beautiful old, you know, hundred year old, 20 year old, uh, building in St. Kilda. And we found this room called the Felton Room. I think no one was in there, but the music just happened to be perfect. Like this really kinda, what was it, sort of Louis Primar, Louis PRI music, just dancing by ourselves in this space and filming it. And it was those six minutes of our lives and then we were doing weird dancing like this. But those six minutes kinda enriched our lives. Yeah. It just made life wonderful and, and it's so simple. But that's kind of like our escapades, you know. Well, will we, will we, what about the story when we arrived at our apartment in Paris, that artwork that looked like female genitalia or all sudden? Well, no, no. That was the second place we were, we were waiting for people to come along to up remember can't that and sexual. Yeah. Well we had, we didn't know it was our suitcases we're bit tired working. And I see behind me, I think, oh, that's an interesting looking microphone. Speaker 2 00:28:16 So boxes gorgeous, beautiful looking in them. And I, you know, I'd been a singer before and I thought, oh, <laugh>. Speaker 1 00:28:33 But I love it. I love that you've, you know, you really flipped what it's like to even be like in corporate world or in business. It's all about having an agenda. It's all about planning. Speaker 2 00:28:45 We're Speaker 1 00:28:46 And, and just through that and I, I can feel it even in myself. It's like I've just, I've started doing products and I'm thinking, what can I make next? And I thought over Christmas, I'm just going to play. Speaker 2 00:28:57 You Speaker 1 00:28:58 Just wanna play and get back to art. And I sing and write myself and I thought, I've gotta do that. And you know, I think what you are saying, Speaker 2 00:29:06 It's not easy in art particularly to, to, uh, create ugliness. We always wanna create beautifulness in art, don't we? Or when we're creating something. But you have to kind of go through that whole ugly stage or awful stage to get to some, create something beautiful. And I think playing allows you to do that. You have to give yourself a license to, to make something ugly. Make that, what is it that primal Mark, I think they called it in art where you Speaker 1 00:29:40 I was so meant to talk with you today. Thank you <laugh>. Cause it was like that I'm such a, everything has to look beautiful and I have that kind black and white and I'm think when said ugly, I like ugly. I'm thinking, oh yes, that's what, its it's not ugly. It's just kind that rawness, isn't it? Speaker 2 00:29:56 Yeah. So ugly. Give yourself the license, you'll have the best time. Speaker 1 00:30:01 I know. No, that's exactly right. And so you, you, I can see how you talk. It's the opposite of what society needs at the moment is actually stepping back into unplanned no agenda. And it's being in a creative space and just letting things flow, which is the natural beauty of life in flow. And energetically, which is, that's Speaker 2 00:30:22 Why it's to immerse yourself in nature because it, it changes like the parasympathetic and sympathetic systems in your body. It connects to that. So it just slows you down. It's just like, it's like a break just puts the break on in doing that. And then that's, that's when you start flowing Speaker 1 00:30:43 Into, well that's what happened. We moved, when we moved to the country, we had a massive detox. We were stickers dogs, but it was like we had to detox from the city and we're surrounded with trees here and, and we just absolutely love it. Now we're just amazing. A whole different connection. Um, I'm new, I had to come, but I think that, you know, this is my journey on Speaker 2 00:31:02 It. Yeah. I live for a long time in the country on property and I had that. Yeah, I had that and I, that's why I, I know how, I know how important it's and how good it's, and Speaker 1 00:31:13 I so wanna ask what's next on the agenda for you <laugh>? Like do you have, like, you must, like is there a sign of a bigger picture plan without one or is it just Speaker 2 00:31:24 Hollywood hasn't called yet, but do you have any connections? Speaker 1 00:31:29 <laugh>? Oh maybe <laugh>. It'll happen for you. Oh my God. You, you, you both are extraordinary. Like your amazing lot Speaker 2 00:31:42 Ideas. Ideas, we've got lots of ideas. Um, and it's funny how you live with, with trying to be unplanned but you still kind have to have an agenda. Yeah, yeah. It's just that you don't wanna be stressed about it. So we're in that find the balance where you have to have an agenda otherwise you actually don't achieve anything. Yeah. But um, but but we still wanna authentic. It's quite interesting cause we're not really mainstream and we don't want be, but, but we think that the world's ready for non-mainstream. Yeah. I think the world Speaker 1 00:32:21 Isd you, you too. I absolutely made for it. Like when I, I feel like because you are exactly what people need, which is that energy of just trusting and being co feeling happy with who you are. The good and the bad. Yeah. I think people are needing it, but you know, for you in terms of, of I know that needing the plan, but I always come back to intention, like what's my intention versus I'm gonna do that. I think for you is greatest to sit with. My intention is to be seen globally is to love it and is to do that which is you are doing anyway. Um, and then something I'm sure has stuff just fallen in your lap recently? Is that happening at the moment? Speaker 2 00:33:03 Oh, lots. We get lots of opportunities. Yeah. And but it, you know, we can also say no because they might be on our kind brand. Yeah, Speaker 1 00:33:12 Definitely. Speaker 2 00:33:13 But you know, Speaker 1 00:33:18 As I could see you in a stage play, I could see you doing a bit of a performance and having some art Speaker 2 00:33:23 Music. We've both been, um, performers in the past, so Ah, right. Definitely. That's the possibility. Yeah. Speaker 1 00:33:32 Can I ask what you were doing, uh, earlier or did did you want Ah, perfect. It's perfect. Well that's gonna happen. You gotta do something because I think everything that you have talk about in your beautiful light fun way, uh, but there's a real heart to it is people need it. So you've gotta do a kind of a, a, a theater kind of music. Something in there. Yeah. Speaker 2 00:34:01 Little show Natalie outside of the box. Speaker 1 00:34:08 I think it'd be amazing. It'd be amazing. People would absolutely run for it. So I think that's something definitely I hope is on the intention. <laugh> Speaker 2 00:34:17 We'll, we'll put, put our agenda. Speaker 1 00:34:21 Attention, gender. Well. Um, yes. Well thank you. I mean, I, I could just chat with you for ages so I'll just stop there. <laugh>, it's been beautiful to, um, to kind of feel who you are and there's so much richness and depth into both of you and what you're doing is inspiring and I'm looking forward to keeping on watching. And hopefully we'll catch up again, you know, later in a year or so and see where you're at. Speaker 2 00:34:47 Be lovely. Anytime. Thank you. Keep enjoying your beautiful property. Speaker 1 00:34:59 That's beautiful, <laugh>. Thank you. And I, I'll let anyone know where to find you on TikTok and Instagram and I'll put all your details. Speaker 2 00:35:10 Thank you. Speaker 1 00:35:11 So stay tuned for next week everybody, and over and out for.

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